Beating the Bias


Beating the Bias




Congratulations to MullenLowe MENA who took home an impressive six awards at the Cresta Awards 2023!

We’re so proud to share that MullenLowe MENA won 6 awards at the Cresta Awards for their ‘Fixing the bAIs’ work with Aurora50!

The six awards included the following:

  • 1 x Gold in Digital Craft (Innovative New Techniques)
  • 1x Gold in Social Impact (Single Entry)
  • 1x Gold in The Future (AI Assisted / Generated Creativity and Content)
  • 1x Silver in The #OMG Award
  • 1x Bronze in Creative Technology (Use of AI)
  • 1x Bronze in Digital Design (Innovative Use of New Technologies)

‘Fixing the bAIs’ was also shortlisted in the ‘Wish We’d Though of That’ category.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionise our world, but it’s not always intelligent when it comes to gender representation. Ask AI to picture professions like mechanical engineers, F1 drivers, mathematicians, or CEOs, and it will show images of men. MullenLowe MENA’s award-winning initiative ‘Fixing The bAIs’ aims to change that. By using image-generating AI tools such as Midjourney, Dall-e, and Stable Diffusion, MullenLowe MENA have created a huge image bank of women in different professions. MullenLowe MENA are using these files to populate the public image datasets that are officially used to train AI. They are also constantly uploading these pictures to social media and other stock image sites. The goal is to teach AI to recognize that women can be doctors, astronauts, and CEOs, just as much as men can be dancers, nurses, or teachers. The aim is to not only fix AI’s bias but also break the gender barriers in professions and promote inclusivity. All images are royalty and rights-free. You can find out more about the campaign, view and contribute to the image bank here.


A Cresta Award is one of the world’s most prestigious creative award shows which aims to inspire, recognise and reward the highest standards of creativity, whilst championing the positive contribution creativity can bring to society.

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